Quick Reference Guide
Toyota South Africa Motors
Electronic Parts Catalogue




Tel: 012 663 4660


Powered by Multicat



About this Guide


This quick reference guide is intended for all users of the Toyota South Africa Motors online electronic parts catalogue running on the Multicat platform.  It also contains guidance for accessing the catalogue directly as an external catalogue from SAP purchasing.


This catalogue is VIN (Vehicle Identity Number) restricted that limits access to vehicles in your company’s fleet.


This catalogue is managed and distributed by Multicat on behalf of Toyota South Africa Motors.


Menu Buttons & Legends


Menu Buttons

SAP External Catalog Button Soft

Open external catalog in SAP


Create new basket


Open existing basket


Save basket


Delete basket


Update Prices


Submit basket to SAP

Add Item


E-mail basket


Print Basket


SAP2Accessing External Catalogues in SAP


Online external catalogues are configured in SAP Logistics such that user access to catalogues is controlled according to business requirement.


Example:   Create Purchase Requisition (ME01)
Choose your plant and click on  External Catalog button
Select Toyota Spares




Click  SAP External Catalog Button Soft on toolbar and choose the Nissan Spares external catalogue from the dropdown list.



SAP will open an embedded web browser screen with the catalogue.


Important: Multicat online catalogues requires the Microsoft Silverlight plug-in that did not ship with Windows XP. 
Users will be prompted to download and install Microsoft Silverlight if is not already installed on their computer.  Also see link to download Silverlight on Multicat login screen


Adding Known Items to the Basket


Click on the Basket tab  to create a new order basket


Use the Add Item  button to quickly add any item with a known part number to the basket.




Multiple items that are comma-separated can be added at once.



Search Items in Catalogue


This catalogue is VIN (Vehicle Identity Number) restricted that limits access to vehicles in your company’s fleet.


All searches must contain a VIN number of assigned vehicles. You can search for Part Number or Description in conjunction with the VIN number.


Important:             You will only have access to vehicles in your company’s fleet as verified by Toyota SA


Example:   Search for vehicle with VIN AHTEZ39G407011395 (Toyota Raider pick-up)
Results show the full vehicle details


Click  EPC%20Button%20Search to filter the catalogue


Click  EPC Button Clear to remove all search criteria and show the full unfiltered catalogue.


Click the Cancel button at any time to stop any active Search.


When performing a VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) search, the complete catalogue will be filtered to only reflect sections and parts of the vehicle model applicable to the identified vehicle. 


A popup window with all the manufacturing details of the vehicle will appear on a successful search.



The catalogue will now only contain sections and parts of the selected vehicle.



Navigating the Catalogue


The vehicle is divided into section groups that are displayed on the left pane with illustrations of each section on the main page.



Navigate back or go to the main vehicle selection by clicking on the Back or Home navigation buttons or collapse the pane with the Collapse/Expand button. Click on the desired section to display the interactive illustration with hotspots. 



Switch between the illustration and the parts list by clicking on the appropriate tab.



Illustrations can be resized or moved with the toolbar buttons or by holding in the Ctrl key while using the mouse scroll button.



Important:             Please note that some section consist of more than one illustration

Use the Page buttons  to navigate between illustrations in a single section.


Adding Items to the Basket


Part information is displayed when moving your mouse over a hotspot on the illustration.  Some hotspots refer to multiple parts where you have to click to view a list of parts. 



Add parts to the basket by double-clicking on the item in the list or on the hotspot.


Submitting the Basket to SAP



Click    tab to process selected items in basket


Click EPC Button Removeto remove an item from the basket and


EPC Button Clear to remove all items


Check the items to submit to SAP in the basket.



Click  SAP2 to submit basket into SAP



The manufacturer item number, texts, order quantity and price for each checked line item is transferred to the purchase requisition in SAP.



Opening & Saving Baskets



Users can start searching for items and submit the basket back to SAP without saving anything for future use in the online catalogue


Alternatively users can make use of saved baskets to submit orders that are of a repetitive nature


Click  OpenFolder to open existing saved baskets


EPC Basket Open


Common Baskets are available to all users in the company although only designated users can create or modify them


User Baskets are available to the current user only but all users can create such baskets for own use


Choose +Common Baskets or +User Baskets to list saved baskets


Click Save to open the save dialog and then save as a user basket or common basket if permission allow


EPC Basket Save2


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Tel: (012) 663 4660

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